The three days Training of Trainers  for the first In Class Coaching (ICC) came to a successful end last Friday. During In Class Coaching the OLA College of Education trainers spend a full day in each of the classrooms on the Transformational Teacher Training programme, to provide coaching and support on specific difficulties they may be facing. This ICC is particularly important as the teachers have only been implementing the programme for a few weeks so inevitably they will have some challenges.

During the Training of Trainers, both new and established trainers (who have already completed their two years of training) were adequately equipped with the skills and methodology they will use during the ICC. The established trainers will act as mentors to the new trainers as they are now very experienced in delivering ICC. Various scenarios were set up for the trainers to identify problems and suggest how they will coach when they meet such challenges in the classrooms. The training ended with a visit to one of the new schools for trainers to practice the coaching skills they had learnt. We know that together they will be able to execute a successful ICC.