The first Top Up Training of the year came to a successful end last week and was attended by all teachers, head teachers and GES officers. This workshop introduced the teachers to the next themes, ‘Animals’ for KG1 and ‘My School’ for KG2 as well as the key mathematical skills for KG1 and KG2 children.

On day two of the workshop the teachers had fun making up some songs, games and outside activities that will help the children to develop mathematical skills. The teachers came up with some very inventive games and some excellent songs.

Another important part of this workshop was the introduction of the Pupil Achievement Record , which the teachers will use to track the progress of each child in their class. Over the next few weeks the OLA trainers will be going to each of the classrooms to provide them with individual coaching in order to help out with any challenges they may be facing.

We would like to say ‘Ayekoo’ (well done) to our wonderful teachers for all of their excellent participation over the two days and also to our excellent and committed team of trainers!