Just as the building of the Ahobre Early Years Complex is making good progress, so is the teacher training work being done with the Ahobre DA Kindergarten (KG) teachers who will transfer to the new Complex in September 2016. In early March, three of the Fast-track Transformational Teacher Training (FTTT) trainers visited the school to support these teachers, who are currently attending the Western Region FTTT programme workshops.

The KG1 teachers, Comfort, and the KG2 teachers, Bridget and Doris, received two days of support from the FTTT trainers from Amenano DA Model KG. The Amenano teachers spent the two days sharing with the Ahobre teachers their experiences of running the programme in their school and helped the Ahobre teachers to develop the practical classroom skills that all teachers need to carry out the programme successfully.

On the second day of the visit, the Amenano teachers had a chance to talk about and demonstrate some of the unique elements of the FTTT programme, such as play-based and theme-based learning, phonics, story sharing etc, during a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meeting. Several parents, as well as the Chief of the community and other local dignitaries, expressed their great pleasure that Ahobre’s children are benefiting from the programme.

The teachers, head teachers and Ghana Education Service (GES) officers said they were delighted with the support the three kindergarten teachers had received and hoped that the Amenano trio would come back to provide more support in the near future, which they were all more than happy to promise!