As part of the Fast-track Transformational Teacher Training project we are currently delivering in the Western Region, we recently held a Mentoring Workshop with teachers, head teachers and Ghana Education Service officers.

Mentoring and supervision was the main focus of the training, and how each participant could mentor one another to support the successful implementation of the project.  Mentoring relationships exist amongst all participants on the teacher training programme, for example Ghana Education Service officers mentoring head teachers, head teachers mentoring teachers and teachers mentoring student teachers.

The participants were taken through the role of a supervisor and a mentor and the elements of the mentoring relationship (respect, trust and joint responsibility). These three elements are key to all mentoring meetings in terms of setting an agenda, developing a discussion and exploring the mentor’s concerns.

Head teachers and teachers were grouped according to schools and were joined by their

respective Ghana Education Service officer. In groups they practiced some scenarios (classroom situations) that they may encounter during mentoring meetings. After this three of the schools had the opportunity to role-play their scenarios with the wider group and head teachers were also given lead mentor scenarios to practice.

The workshop provided a great opportunity for everyone to share their mentoring experience and take their learning back to their classrooms.

As we always say I am a learner, you are a learner, we are all learners!