The Central Region Fast-track Transformational Teacher Training (FTTT) team completed their most recent Spot Checks last week. These short 20-30 minute monitoring checks took place in each of the 40 classrooms on the programme and allowed the teacher training team to see how the teachers are implementing all aspects of the programme.

As well as giving out support to the teachers in the areas that they may be facing challenges the team were thrilled to see some very creative and innovative teaching and learning ideas being used in the classrooms.

A main focus of these spot checks was assessment and how the teachers are able to individually assess the children in their class, as this is an area identified as being the most challenging for teachers. Such visits are essential in showing the FTTT team what is going well in the classrooms and what areas need more support, so that these areas can be a focus of future training workshops and monitoring visits.

The information gathered from each of the classrooms will be fed back to the OLA College of Education trainers as they will be visiting each of the classrooms to provide more in depth support during the next In-Class Coaching over the coming weeks.

We are thrilled to see the progress that the teachers are making in their classrooms.